When ākonga are in years 11, 12 and 13, they will be doing the NCEA qualification at each year level e.g Level 1, 2 and 3. To know what credits they have, what results they have in exams, and to keep track of their NCEA progress, they will need to be able to login to NZQA to find out all their details. This site also lets ākonga see their NCEA external exam results, access their exam papers online, and apply for reconsiderations where they feel their work has been incorrectly assessed.
Year 10 students taking part in the NCEA Literacy and Numeracy Common Assessment sessions in May and September each year will also require an NZQA account and login. Kaiārahi and Kaitiaki Deans will support our year 10s in creating these accounts.
The NZQA account will follow ākonga through to higher learning at polytechs, universities and other educational institutions they may study at. In this account they will be able to print off their record of learning - which is what employers and other organisations will need to have when they apply to work or study for them.
Details about how to create an NZQA login are provided here: