Better Coaches | Better Players
NZF Learn offers coaches the opportunity to learn in their own time, whilst still holding onto the most important part of a course: the in-person engagement with peers, and educators and the quality conversations which take place at those times.
The three updated community courses below are now available. These courses consist of both online modules and an in-person practical component.
To register for a course practical component, please see below for available sessions and click to register. We encourage you to complete the online modules before attending the practical session.
Please note that delivery of the Senior Level One Coaching Award and Junior, Youth, and Futsal Level Two Coaching Awards will remain the same for 2024. Please see below for upcoming courses.
For coaches looking to start or further their journey on the Advanced Coaching Pathway
Click to view available courses
Southern Football
Venue: Southern Football Offices, Dunedin
Date: Friday, Mar 21 – Monday, Mar 24, 2025
Course Cost: $1190+GST+GST
Registrations Close: Feb 7, 2025
Course Deposit: $342.50
To gain your award, you must complete all of the modules in the online course. We recommend setting aside around 3 hours to complete the online work.
This course covers the basics of coaching the 13-19 year old age groups. As a coach of this age group, you will begin to introduce team development while building on the skills built in earlier phases of development. This course will help you provide safe and inclusive environments that provide the right conditions for the growth and enjoyment of the game.
Having completed the online learning component this session focuses on the practical delivery aspect of the Youth Level 1. Reflections on the theory will take place, and then coaches will use the CoachMate app to support the delivery of an aspect of a youth practice, Coach Developers will support the learning of the coaches.
Please ensure that you have downloaded the CoachMate app before attending.
Register your interest - email
This course builds on knowledge learned in the Youth Level 1, offering the chance for enthusiastic coaches to holistically develop their players and ready them for the adult game. This course will help coaches develop their footballers not only as players but as people too.
Please ensure that you have downloaded the CoachMate app before attending.
Register your interest - email
This first step for coaches of adult players provides information on how to organise enjoyable coaching sessions working on specific areas of technical development. Looking at areas such as “warm ups”, “what to do on game day” and “benefits of small sided games”, it is an informative starting point for coaches looking for guidance on the best way to coach adults.
Register your interest - email
See what other courses are being held around New Zealand by visiting other federation websites