SchoolDocs Policy Platform for THS
Our SchoolDocs site contains policies and procedures that are specific to Taradale High School and can be accessed by our whole school community.
Using SchoolDocsLog in to your SchoolDocs site using these details:
Username: ths
Password: 4112
Related policies and procedures are grouped together on SchoolDocs, with links to supporting information.
Reviews and feedbackAll SchoolDocs schools follow a 3-year review schedule to keep information up to date. Each term, you can provide feedback on policies and procedures that are under review.
Use the review tool to provide feedback about policies that are under review:
If you'd like to send a message to your school about a particular topic, use the feedback button.
For more information about reviews, click the Current Review tab at the top of the site.
50 Murphy Road, Taradale, Napier 4112
Phone +64 6 844 2159 Email
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