​​​​​​​Innes Dean Club Competition

Umpires 2024

Want to be a part of our allocation pool of Umpires or an accredited Umpire Coach this season? Or are you umpiring for your Club or School?  Complete the form above!


Netball Manawatu Allocated Pool Umpires and Umpire Coaches Meeting

Tuesday 2nd April OR Tuesday 9th April 2024

Vautier Park Pavillion

6.00 pm - 7.00 pm

Community (Club & Secondary) Umpires and Umpire Coordinators  Meeting

Tuesday 16th April OR Wednesday 17th April 2024

Vautier Park Pavillion

6.00 pm - 7.00 pm


Learning to Umpire Module

NNZ has a Learning to Umpire Module for New Umpires and Player Umpires which replaces the Netball New Zealand Centre Theory test. This module is the first step towards the Centre Umpire Award or a pre-requisite for some Centres for Player Umpires.

The Module helps New and Player Umpires understand some of the rules of netball as well as some practical techniques to enhance their umpiring.

This module requires registering on the NNZ Learning & Development Platform which can be accessed here;



Starting out Umpiring - basic rules for new umpires, parents, players and netball coaches

New Player and Umpire Module - for new and player umpires, this is the theory pre-requiste for the Centre Award

(Available and completed online)

Techniques 1 - new and Pre-Centre Award Umpires, helps with understanding of Position, Vision and Timing and how they impact on umpiring

Techniques 2 - Centre Award umpires working towards Zone Award, similar concepts

Obstruction - Umpires and Umpire Coaches at all levels

Post Match Discussion -for umpires working towards Centre, Zone and NZ practical, learning to benefit from post match discussion and the NNZ coaching approach

Self Analysis - umpires working towards Centre, Zone and NZ practical. Growing umpire ability to analyse, understand skills needed and managing disappointment

Umpires Coaches and Assesors

Introduction to Coaching and Assessing -  for new umpire coaches and assessors​​​​​​​

Assessor Development Programme - introduction to assessment and selection at Centre level

Umpire 101

Do you want to Umpire...... but you don't know where to start? 

Do you want to Umpire.... but you are worried about people on the sideline and don't know who to go to? 

Do you want to Umpire.... but you don't have the confidence or support? 

Netball Manawatū would love to provide you a safe space to learn, work and grow alongside us in this space! 

Thursday 27th March 2025

4.15pm- 5.15pm

No Cost

Please register below for this great opportunity! 

To Register- please click on the link below:


If you have any issues please e-mail: 


Fitness Testing Due Dates 2024

  • 15th March (completed)
  • 1st June
  • 1st August (for umpires wishing to attend NZ Open Champs)
  • 1st September

Umpire Level

Yo-yo Test Level

Fitness Test Deadline

Umpires selected by the NNZ Umpire Selectors for the NNZ Open Champs


1 August each year

Umpires selected by the NNZ Umpire Selectors for the NNZ Secondary Schools Champs


1 September each year

All umpires applying for NNZ U18 Champs


1 June each year

Umpires prior to screening for NZ B or NZ C, including endorsement


Within two weeks of the most recent fitness testing deadline

All other Umpires (recommended)



All umpires wishing to be appointed to NNZ events must provide current Yo-Yo Test results as per the table above. Current means within two weeks of the fitness testing deadline

Umpire Fitness Testing Dates

Come along and give it a go!


​​​​​​​Please ensure you email ashleighkate@netballmanawatu.org.nz to signal your attendance to any of the following dates.

If you cannot make any of the following dates, email to make alternative arrangements.

Development Opportunities

Theory Exams

There are two exams for Umpires who have completed their Centre Umpire Award.

  1. NNZ Zone Theory
  2. New Zealand Theory Exam

 All exams will be conducted online.

All exams cost $55.

Netball Manawatu coach leads or identified personnel will facilitate any Theory study groups to support you in preparation for your exam. If you would like to know more about this, please email ashleighkate@netballmanawatu.org.nz 

Dates for the 2023 NNZ Zone Theory and New Zealand Theory exams have been set as shown below:


Applications Open

Applications Close

Exam Date

Zone Theory 1

11 April 2023

9 May 2023

29 May 2023

NZ Theory 1

18 April 2023

23 May 2023

12 June 2023

Zone Theory 2

13 June 2023

18 July 2023

7 August 2023

NZ Theory 2

27 June 2023

1 August 2023

21 August 2023

Module Calendar

Coming soon........

Umpire Coach Expression of Interest

If you are looking to give back to the sport and interested in learning more around coaching opportunities, fill in the expression of interest form and one of our coach panel leads will be in touch with you.



Margaret Kaihe-Woolston & Sarah Orr – Centre Panel Leads

Lisa Aull – Zone Panel Lead

Linda Liggins – NZ Panel Lead

Guidelines and Resources