​​​​​​​Innes Dean Club Competition

How do I register my team? 

Go to the registration tab of this website and find your club, click and go to the club website, log in and go to team builder. On the right side, click on add a team in the grade you want to register in. 

When is the draw available?  

Grading, no later than the Wednesday before Saturday games. Week 1 Round 1, no later than Wednesday before Saturday's games. The rest of the round by Wednesday of Week 2.

Can I request a time for my game?   

Yes, before the end of game 1 round 1. For any other changes throughout the season please email the Game Development Officer. 

How do I register players?   

On the form on the front page of your club's website. Administrators must drag and drop players into teams.

What is playing up?   

When you play for a team above your grade, on the third game of playing up for any team, the player must remain in the highest team.

Can I transfer to another club?   

Yes, but you must be released by the current club you are registered with.

Where do I get my scorecard from?   

We are no longer using Scorecards. All game scoring is done using the Game Day App. Should you need any assistance with this head to the upstairs office of the Vautier Park pavilion.

How do I get an umpire?   

Ask your club captain for assistance. 

I have an issue with an umpire, what shall I do?   

Talk directly with the Umpiring Coordinator.

I have a complaint, who shall I give it to?   

Go into the Netball Manawatu App and go to competitions/online forms/complaints and fill out and submit.

Can I wear thermals when playing?   

Yes as long as you still wear your team uniform over the top. 

Can I get ice at the game venue? 

Yes, downstairs in the first aid room, please fill out the ice register.

Is there First Aid available at the game venue? 

Basic supplies are available, for anything more serious please ring an ambulance from the side of the court. 

I have seen undesirable behaviours from a supporter, coach, manager, or player, what shall I do about it? 

Please contact a Netball Manawatu Representative immediately. 

For any other questions that we have not answered above please email one of the team.