Joel Wilton

Joel joined the staff at Havelock North High School as Deputy Principal in 2007.  Prior to this, he taught Science and Chemistry at Rangitoto College in Auckland. 

In 2019, Joel completed a Masters in Secondary School Leadership through Victoria University and in 2023, he was appointed as the fourth principal of Havelock North High School.

During his time at Havelock North High School,  Joel has held responsibility for curriculum, digital technology, staff professional learning and student leadership.  He has also been part of the guidance and pastoral team and was chair of the Hawke's Bay Deputy and Assistant Principal's Association for ten years.

Joel focuses on maintaining high standards and expectations throughout the school community.  He is also committed to ensuring that every student develops a connection and sense of belonging to the kura. 

Joel has a keen interest in the outdoors and is the coordinator for the Duke of Edinburgh Award at Havelock North High School.  He is also committed to staying connected with curriculum and assessment and as such, still teaches Year 13 Chemistry.

Glenys Sparling-Fenton
Deputy Principal

As a long-serving staff member, Glenys has seen the school embrace many changes over the years while retaining the school’s traditions. She believes that the outstanding education that all students receive at Havelock North High School gives them an excellent foundation for life after school.  

Glenys is an accounting teacher and she teaches a Year 13 Accounting class along with Scholarship Accounting. She believes many jobs demand an understanding of accounting and her mission is to make sure that, in gaining that understanding, there is room for a little fun along the way!

She is part of the Guidance team and coordinates learning support, coursing of students, events, prize giving and publicity.

Glenys is a very keen follower of a lot of sports, especially the All Blacks.

Sam Wallace
Deputy Principal

Sam joined the school in 2017 as HOD of Social Sciences and teacher of Geography. Teaching and learning about Geography have always been important to Sam and he has been involved at a local, regional, and national level with the subject. He chairs the local Hawke's Bay Geography Teacher's cluster, sits on the NZ Board of Geography Teachers, and is a member of the Geography Subject Expert Group that is designing the new senior Geography curriculum. 

As Deputy Principal, Sam's responsibilities include curriculum, digital technology, day relief, staff professional learning, and student leadership. Sam is also part of the guidance team.

Outside of school Sam is always keen to get out into the hills and enjoys tramping with his family, mountain biking, playing football and running.

Warren Bird
Assistant Principal 

Warren first joined the staff midway through 1996. During his time here he has been Head of the Mathematics Department and Teacher in Charge of International Students.  He has also been involved with the mentoring of our ākonga and been part of the guidance team. Warren has previously taught overseas in Canada and the Cook Islands.

Warren is the Principal's Nominee (liaises with NZQA regarding NCEA assessment matters), chairs Te Waka Āwhina and is in charge of the Year 13 academic committee. He is in charge of the school inter-house competition, developing school spirit and whanaungatanga.

Jamie Kitchin
Assistant Principal ​​​​​​​

Jamie has taught science, biology, chemistry and horticulture since he started his teaching career in Auckland in 1992.  He is a graduate of Auckland University with a science degree and post graduate Diploma of Education and, more recently, a commerce degree.  

He was appointed to Havelock North High School as Assistant Head of Department and has been House Leader, House Tutor and Assistant Principal.  He has special responsibility for international students and strives to ensure that they have the best possible education while in New Zealand. Jamie also leads the school services group which manages the school ball and leavers’ dinner.  

His extra-curricular interests are adventure racing, outdoor education, rowing and production of the school musicals.