1. To educate emerging adolescents / rangatahi, coaches, officials, parents and whānau about the different sporting codes, including best practice for young people.

  2. To develop the skills and competencies of emerging adolescents / rangatahi.

  3. To develop the skills and competencies of coaches and officials.

  4. To encourage active participation whilst teaching the skills of winning and losing with dignity and educating of the importance of the positive affirmation of team members, fellow competitors, officials & supporters.

  5. To provide a forum where emerging adolescents / rangatahi can meet with others from outside of their normal peer group to develop social interaction skills.

  6. To encourage emerging adolescents / rangatahi into active participation in a variety of sporting codes.

  7. To provide an opportunity for emerging adolescent sportspersons to compete annually in a variety of sporting codes.

  8. To provide a sporting competition in Tauranga Moana for emerging adolescents / rangatahi in Years Seven and Eight, irrespective of the context in which they are being educated.

  9. To demonstrate respect for Mana Whenua and our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

  10. To champion diversity and inclusion for our emerging adolescents / rangatahi.