Eligibility Criteria

  1. Students competing must be enrolled full-time in the school they are representing. As the Zespri AIMS Games is an interschools sporting competition, teams cannot be comprised of students who are enrolled in different schools.

  2. New Zealand students competing must be classified as a Year 7 or Year 8 student on the New Zealand Ministry of Education Enrol database.

  3. Participating New Zealand Intermediate, Middle and Year 7-13 Secondary Schools require full membership of NZAIMS. Affiliate membership is available to Full Primary and Area Schools using the fee schedule based on MoE U Grade. NZAIMS – New Zealand Association of Intermediate and Middle Schooling http://nzaims.co.nz

  4. Students may compete in more than one code, provided they are in line with the permitted code crossovers detailed in the Event Information Booklet. Timetable allowances will NOT be made for any competitors.

  5. Competitors must be over 10 years of age and under 13 years of age, as at 31 December the year before the tournament year. Competitor’s birthdates will be required on school registration documentation. For the 2025 Zespri AIMS Games, the eligible birth years are: 2012, 2013 and 2014.

  6. All participants must have online medical and media waiver documentation completed to be eligible compete.

  7. The Zespri AIMS Games objectives champion diversity and inclusion providing competition opportunities for students with physical, visual, intellectual, and other disabilities which disadvantages them to compete alongside their non-disabled peers. The focus of this inclusive event is on achieving personal bests and encouraging activity.

  8. The AIMS Games Trust support the full inclusion of transgender athletes. Transgender youth participate in sports for the same reasons that all young people do: to have fun, challenge themselves, and be part of a team where they feel included and accepted. Students who are transgender deserve the chance to succeed and thrive like any other student.

Applications for Dispensation:

Applications for dispensation from the age criteria detailed in criterion 5 may be considered for students who receive ORS funding.  For an application for dispensation to be considered, the following conditions are required to be met –

  • The student must meet all other eligibility criteria outlined above.
  • A dispensation request should be emailed to the AIMS Games Trust, at info@nzaimsgames.co.nz The request must be endorsed by the student’s school principal and should detail the student’s name, year level, sporting code/s that they are wishing to compete in and provide evidence of their ORS funding.
  • Applications for dispensation must be received no later than 5:00 PM, Wednesday 23rd July 2025. Any applications received after this time will not be considered, no exceptions.

To ensure a fair and consistent approach for all participating schools, applications for dispensation from any other eligibility criterion will not be considered by the AIMS Games Trust at this time.  This includes requests for composite school teams, and participation of students who are not classified as Year 7 or Year 8 on the New Zealand Ministry of Education Enrol database.